Taylor Baptist Association


Taylor Baptist Association is an association of 18 Southern Baptist Churches in Taylor County, Florida.
Our purpose is to equip and assist our member churches to accomplish their ministries.

Associational Missions Strategist - Dr. Henry Cannington Jr.

Administrative Assistant - Deborah Goins

Office Hours - Monday to Thursday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Taylor Baptist Association holds to the beliefs set forth by the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. On June 14th, 2000, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a revised summary of our faith.

To view the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, click here to see it on the Southern Baptist Convention's web page.



  • Newsletter
    The current Newsletter is available for download. Click here to receive it.
  • Spring RevivalMarch 30th - April 2nd
    Athena Baptist:
    Our Spring Revival meeting with Bro. Ken Cloud, an Evangelist, will be with us March 30th - April 2nd. Sunday morning @ 11am and the evening services will begin @ 6pm each night.
  • Serve TaylorApril 4th - 5th
    meeting Friday
  • Ladies RetreatApril 11th - 12th
    New Home:
    We have ladies planning to attend the convention sponsored Ladies Retreat at Lake Yale, April 11-12th. Again, if anyone would like to join our group or caravan down to Lake Yale, they can contact our office @ 850.584.7441
  • Semi-Annual MeetingApril 14th
    5:30 PM @ Grace Christian Church
  • Easter Egg HuntApril 16th
    Lakeside Baptist:
    Wednesday April 16th @ 530pm- Easter Egg Hunt
  • Good FridayApril 18th
  • Good Friday at the ParkApril 18th
    Calvary Baptist:
    Good Friday at the Park April 18th @7pm
  • Ladies ConferenceApril 19th
    Mt. Gilead:
    Ladies Conference Saturday April 19th @10am contact Susan Adams to reserve your spot @ 615.516.8054
  • EasterApril 20th
  • Sonrise Service April 20th
    Midway Baptist Son-rise Service will be Sunday, April 20th at 7:00am.
    Sonrise Breakfast at 8:00am
    Sunday School at 9:00am
    Morning Worship at 9:30am instead of 11:00am
    You may be asking why Midway called it Sonrise. It is due to the Son of God rising during Easter.
  • Sunrise ServiceApril 20th
    Lakeside Baptist:
    Sunday April 20th @ 7am Sunrise Service w/ breakfast to follow
  • National Day of PrayerMay 1st
  • Midway Baptist Homecoming May 4th
    Midway Baptist Homecoming will be May 4th.
    Guest Pastor: Danny Lundy
    Music: Arnold Messer & The Southern Blend will start singing at 10:30 AM
    Lunch to follow after service
  • Administrative CommitteeMay 5th
    9:00 AM
  • Mother's DayMay 11th
    Mother's Day and Children's Home Offering
  • Disaster Relief TrainingMay 17th
    Disaster Relief Training @ First Baptist Perry
  • Executive Board MeetingMay 19th
    9:00 AM
  • Memorial DayMay 26th
    Office Closed
  • Message from Henry Cannington
           As we recognize the need to touch North Florida and the world with God's love, the Baptist churches in the Big Bend area of Florida are reaching deeply into their hearts to lend a helping hand through the Cooperative Program. The Cooperative Program enables churches to support their local associations, state ministries, national outreach, and ultimately, to reach the ends of the earth.
           Since becoming a follower of Jesus, I have learned the joy of obeying God by giving a tithe - and even more than a tenth of my income - to the Lord. From the first church I pastored, I witnessed God's people experience the joy of giving beyond a 10% tithe to support the Great Commission. Through the Cooperative Program, our missionaries can focus on the work God has called them to do, without worrying about their next paycheck.
           This program, which we as Baptists call the Cooperative Program, provides a way for churches of all sizes- from the smallest to the largest- to be involved in showing God's love to others. The Lord has blessed us throughout our history because we have sought to be faithful in the area of giving. I truly believe that there is no more effective way to carry out His commands than by giving through the Cooperative Program.
           Through this cooperative effort, we are able to reach others for Christ and meet human needs in His name, just as He instructed us in Matthew 25:34-40:

    "Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me; I was in prison and you visited me.' Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You something to drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and visit You?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.'"
           Because we follow the person, teachings, and spirit of Jesus Christ, we understand that life under His lordship involves growing progressively in Christ-likeness. It means applying biblical truths in giving, sharing the Christian faith, and being responsible members of His Church.
           Each week as you give, you may take comfort in knowing you and your church are reaching the world through this act of worship!

                 Henry Cannington

  • Florida Baptist Convention News
    To get the news from the Florida Baptist Convention, click here.


P.O. Box 602
Perry, Fl 32348
Phone: 850-584-8025
Email: taylorbaptistperry@gmail.com