Taylor Baptist Association


Taylor Baptist Association is an association of 18 Southern Baptist Churches in Taylor County, Florida.
Our purpose is to equip and assist our member churches to accomplish their ministries.

Associational Missions Strategist - Dr. Henry Cannington Jr.

Administrative Assistant - Deborah Goins

Office Hours - Monday to Thursday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Taylor Baptist Association holds to the beliefs set forth by the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. On June 14th, 2000, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a revised summary of our faith.

To view the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, click here to see it on the Southern Baptist Convention's web page.



  • Newsletter
    The current Newsletter is available for download. Click here to receive it.
  • Administrative CommitteeSeptember 9th
    Administrative Committee, 9:00am Annual Session
  • Pastors Round TableSeptember 16th
    The Pastors Round Table meeting will be on September 16th
  • Executive BoardSeptember 23rd
    Executive Board, 9:00am Calendar & Budget Review
  • Deacon Ordination and Dedication serviceSeptember 29th
    September 29th @ 6pm Deacon Ordination and Dedication service, fellowship to follow
  • New Home HomecomingOctober 6th
    Homecoming- including dinner on the grounds after morning worship service. We will also be kicking off our Fall Revival that day with Bro. Ronnie Smith. Sunday, Oct 6 services at 11 am and 6 pm. Monday through Wednesday we will serve a free dinner at 6 pm and services will begin at 7 pm
  • Calvary Baptist HomecomingOctober 13th
  • Annual SessionOctober 14th
    Annual Session, Supper 5:30 PM, Meeting 6:30 PM, TBA
  • Calvary Baptist Trunk or TreatOctober 30th
  • New Home Fall FestivalOctober 31st
    New Home, October 31st 6-8pm Fall Festival, more info.to come
  • Florida Baptist ConventionNovember 11th 12th
    Florida Baptist Convention, Ft. Lauderdale
  • Veteran?s DayNovember 11th
    Office Closed
  • Thanksgiving DayNovember 28th
    Office Closed
  • Message from Henry Cannington
           Healthy churches are changing churches that seek to accomplish God's purpose for His church. Without managed change, churches can quickly become stagnant, loosing their sense of mission and ministry vision. As your Association Mission Strategist, I see my mission as helping our churches not to blunder into changes, merely reacting to events in a haphazard manner. Rather, changes should be biblically based, clearly anticipated, carefully planned, and sensitively implemented.
           I see our mission and ministry vision all wrapped up in Jesus' last words found in Luke 24:46-49. God desires for us to rescue people by helping everyone we come in contact with to come to know God's love and His forgiveness. We are in the eternal life saving business!
           Picture yourself sitting on the shore of a beautiful lake. As you sit on the lakeshore, enjoying the shade of a spreading oak tree, you suddenly hear cries for help.
           About 50 yards away, you see a person struggling in the water. You quickly realize that the person is drowning as the person continues to call for help. The drowning person sees you, and your eyes catch. You see the fear in the person's eyes, feel the pain in the panic person's expression, and you realize something needs to be done.
           Stunned, you suddenly recall your Red Cross life-saving training as a teenager. You remembered...reach, throw, row, and go! You know you have the potential and the ability to rescue the drowning person. Gazing the area as you quickly run down the shore, you spot a life preserver with a rope on the neighbor's dock. You realize that you possess what that person needs to survive. All you have to do is throw out the life preserver and pull the person to safety.
           My mission is helping and teaching our Baptist churches how to become more effective in our mission and ministry here in Taylor County and around the world. Jesus commanded His disciples to minister and teach as they were going. The intent of the Great Commission is that as Christians go, they are also to reach, witness, teach, and baptize.
           Always remember, you have the life preserver that so many people need. That life preserver is with you at all times if you are a Christian. That life preserver is the message of salvation that comes through Christ. But the question is, will you throw that life preserver to someone the next time you see someone drowning under the waters of life without Christ and His forgiveness?

                 Henry Cannington

  • Florida Baptist Convention News
    To get the news from the Florida Baptist Convention, click here.


P.O. Box 602
Perry, Fl 32348
Phone: 850-584-8025
Email: taylorbaptist@fairpoint.net