Taylor Baptist Association


Taylor Baptist Association is an association of 18 Southern Baptist Churches in Taylor County, Florida.
Our purpose is to equip and assist our member churches to accomplish their ministries.

Associational Missions Strategist - Dr. Henry Cannington Jr.

Administrative Assistant - Deborah Goins

Office Hours - Monday to Thursday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Taylor Baptist Association holds to the beliefs set forth by the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. On June 14th, 2000, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a revised summary of our faith.

To view the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, click here to see it on the Southern Baptist Convention's web page.



  • Newsletter
    The current Newsletter is available for download. Click here to receive it.
  • Executive Board MeetingJanuary 27th
    9:00 AM
  • Pleasant Grove Baptist Church/Mt. GileadFebruary 2nd
    February 2- @ 4pm The churches will jointly host "piano extraordinaire Jeff Cleghorn" from GA. This event will be held at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
  • Week of prayerMarch 2nd - 9th
    - Week of prayer for North American Missions and Annie Armstrong offering
  • Administrative CommitteeMarch 3rd
    9:00 AM
  • Executive Board MeetingMarch 17th
    9:00 AM
  • Message from Henry Cannington
           Since my days as pastor of a small church in rural Louisiana, I have never forgotten what it was like to carry that responsibility. The memories keep coming back to me of those eventful days. I can still see those faces, young and old; I can still remember what it was like to deal with the many big challenges in a small place. Many of the greatest lessons I have learned in ministry found their beginning in that sweet country church, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
           There in that tiny church in St. Helena, Parish in Louisiana, I dreamed big dreams and prayed for God to do great things in His church. I saw potential in that struggling church, and I longed for it to be realized. I saw the members of that church pray long, work hard, and give their all in trusting God as they witnessed God's blessings with growth and His favor.
           Reflecting upon that time, I remembered how I was learning the hard way. I realize now how my decision making suffered because I had very little resources to help me develop leaders, cultivate givers, and equip teams for ministry.
           Because of those days, I believe God gave me a determination to learn how to help the next generation of pastors to become more effective-both as a pastor and as a person. Driven by that determination, I want to cultivate in the Taylor Baptist Association during this New Year the best and most effective approaches to leadership, discipleship and team-building in doing ministry and reaching our community.
           Two events stand out for our churches in the month of January. Strong churches must have a powerful men's ministry. On the 20th of this month, we plan to have our annual Men's Ministry Day at Oakland Baptist Church. Of course, we will have some delicious, Taylor County food for the men and a dynamic program with a disabled Marine veteran who leads a nationwide program for Vet's called Working Dogs for Vets-Service Dog Training. This presentation, I think, could give our churches some great ideas about how to connect and minister to vets in our community. You can go online and look up Jeramie Frasure working dogs for vets and get a little preview of their ministry and story.
           The second major event we are sponsoring for our pastors and their wives is a special Minister and Wife Night of Encouragement with Dennis Swanberg on the 25th @ 6 pm to 8 pm at Immanuel Baptist Church in Tallahassee. This time of encouragement promises to uplift all the ministry leadership teams in our churches.
           I look forward with excitement and joy as our churches in the Taylor Baptist Association seek to make a difference in our community drawing many to experience God's love.

                 Henry Cannington

  • Florida Baptist Convention News
    To get the news from the Florida Baptist Convention, click here.


P.O. Box 602
Perry, Fl 32348
Phone: 850-584-8025
Email: taylorbaptist@fairpoint.net